Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Idiot's Guide to Being a Superhero

About a week ago, i wrote about how my dream occupation is: Superhero. Here is a fun "superhero" video.

To watch the infamous "My Jeans Video" of which the extra clip at the end mocks... Click Here


  1. Oh I can't watch videos here at work... I'll be back later to see this :)

  2. Thumbs upppp! It's so true, I get "looks" when I hold the door for someone, or sincerely thank someone for something. Not enough people unleash their superhero powers.

  3. Yesss we now need a my cape song forrrrrrrrr fure

  4. Only half way through and loving this video!!! You are too funny!!! :D <3 The end is adorable and very true!!! Miss you!!!!

  5. Oh libs how I love you...
    what a great video. Love that you are using your talents (film making, writing, exc.) to inspire others in the world to do little things to spread love. We'll fix this world yet... hopefully.
    love love love

  6. Again an amazing way to share your wisdom with the world in a silly way. I will be expecting a music video in the future for your new cape song!
