One of the best parts of my time in New York City has been getting meet a lot of the people that I have had the opportunity to meet. I have met singers, actors, dancers, artists, wardrobe assistants, make up artists, illustrators, sound mixers, producers, directors, grips, and PA's. I have met a range of people who work in private industries, television, and marketing. I have met people who are hustling three jobs just to get something in a month, and I have met people who have their life set.
Part of my internship in New York City is all about taking initiative, going out in the world and making connections. You never know who you are going to meet--even on a subway train.
My friends have started to make fun of me for one of my hobbies in the city, which includes checking out film locations and seeing the stars of the shows and movies. Something I need to really push when I tell my stories is that a part of my trips out to sites is more than just seeing the people get filmed, it's about observing what is going on--talking to people on the set who work 12 hours a day to make sure it all gets done the right way, and making sure they get my name. The network that I am trying to build is much more phenomenal than the three moments I get curled in the arm of a celebrity--though it happens to be a perk.
So today, when I headed out, I didn't know if I would see Channing Tatum--it could have been Katie Holmes, it could have been Al Pachino, or it could have been a whole bunch of cameramen doing location scouting for tomorrow. When I arrived to the Son of No One location today, I quickly learned that it was Channing indeed on set, as well as Tracy Morgan. I watched from the opposite side of the road the many takes that the camera crew did. And I watched as Channing worked his magic, and as PA's took care of crowd controls off to the side. Everything seemed calm, and everyone seemed relax--this was the type of atmosphere I would most be interested to work in. As the shoot came to an end, Channing crossed the street to leave the set, laughing and smiling. I took this chance to ask if he'd be willing to take a picture. He laughed, "Of course, but how about not in the middle of the road?" I laughed back and said "Actually I thought we could get hit by a car together." He laughed and kept walking toward where we would take the picture. He then held out his hand and said "I'm Channing..." (as if he had to introduce himself--what a gentleman). So I held my hand out to him, looked up (much taller than me), and said hi I'm Libby..." "Libby?" he said, "Yep," "Nice to meet you, hello Libby." I then asked him about the film and how he liked it. He followed up by taking the picture with me, and when i said "Thanks," his response was perfect "This is the easy part."
I give him a lot of respect, because he really is a genuine guy. He doesn't even seem to be smiling to fake it. It was probably the best celeb encounter that I have had, and I am glad I caught him there.
Moving on from the picture, I headed over to some of the PA's and talked with them for a but. I got different vibes from them than I have gotten from other PA's. They were more optimistic about the PA world and the job itself. They seemed happy with what they were doing. It seemed to completely match the atmosphere of the filming I witnessed. It was just another reminder of why I am here in NYC and how much I want to break into the industry. Something good is coming--I can feel it.
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