That night, it was absolutely fantastic to have company because the tapes took the longest that they had taken yet. Not much went on that third night aside from anxiety. I saw some familiar faces, said some hellos, and sat patiently with my co-intern until we found ourselves, again, racing for the studio arriving in time for the show to run.
I would have the following two nights off from doing the tape runs. As I would later learn, my co-intern showed up even later to the studio both those nights. I prepared myself for Thursday--the final night of Fashion Week--to be the longest wait yet (but hey even the smallest mistake in edit could create a terrible show). As I showed up to pick up the tapes, I was instantly told to "Get comfortable." So I took my position in the front lobby on the beloved brown couch.
Since I had plenty of time, I reflected on my week.
With my day off on Wednesday, I headed up to Columbia University, walked around the campus, and then looked on to the Gossip Girl set as Chase Crawford and Leighton Meester filmed a scene. Three young girls were standing in front of me giggling and enjoying their February break from school. As Leighton walked off the set, the three girls, with no fear, approached her and asked for a picture. Leighton told them that she would only take the picture if it was a group picture. I saw the three girls faces all drop as they realized that they had no one to take their picture for them. So, I sacrificed my own picture with Leighton to take the camera from the girls and take their photo for them. --I remember when I was 13, and taking pictures with the members of Dream Street was all I had wanted to do as my "posse" (as we called ourselves then) followed the band around on their tour. This picture really seemed to make the day for these girls, so it in turn made me smile.

My mind came back to my present situation. I looked at my cell phone, in order to check the time, and I realized I still had plenty of time before I would be heading anywhere. I saw some more familiar faces again, made some more conversation, got a glimpse of the president of the company, and said hello to a lot of a strangers.
After two hours of sitting, and waiting, the first tape was done, and I was off. The tapes would make it to our studio in time, and our week of anxiety and mad dashes was over.
Fashion Week and I had quite the love-hate relationship, but in the end I would miss my second dose of workouts for the day, the opportunities to see the world within a fashion corporation, and the opportunity to interact with people who had such a passion for something, other than what I had ever had a passion for--fashion.
So as the the wonderful Fashion Week was coming to an end, so were my thoughts of being thankful for my hair cut, my gym membership--and that glorious brown couch.
yes, it's a nice couch. :0)